Case Study: UK Power Networks (Low Carbon London)

Low Carbon London sought to demonstrate a wide number of use cases associated with the low carbon transition of major urban centres. As load grows in city centres it can be difficult and expensive perform grid upgrades. During summer time peaks underground transformers could become overloaded. In addition, UK Power Networks sought to understand the impact of EVs on the network and whether smart charging regimes could be implemented to mitigate overloads.

ANM Strata was deployed to manage EV charging networks, DG assets and to coordinated network services from multiple aggregators. A total of ~70 different DER assets or groups of assets across 5 constrained substations was implemented.

UK Power Networks identified savings of ~£50m from avoiding the replacement of the transformers and is looking to roll-out multiple DER control schemes operationally as their transition to a DSO.
More Information
Ofgem: Low Carbon London Presentation [PDF]
UK Power Networks DSO Strategy