
The falling cost of renewable and distributed generation, batteries and electric vehicles is creating an explosion in the number of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) connecting to the electricity grid, introducing bi-directional flows, changing market economics and driving new business models.

Distribution Utilities are looking for solutions to enable customer DER connections, avoid or defer grid upgrades, meet grid modernization objectives, achieve output measures and incentives, de-risk onboarding of DER at scale, maximize network efficiency and maintain or enhance network reliability. While the developers, owners and operators of DER are seeking to enable new business models (e.g. fixed price energy, reliability solutions, etc.), stack revenues from disparate DER assets, combine delivery of network services, local site optimization and market participation and securely and efficiently manage the “physical” requirements of Energy as a Service. 

Our DERMS Product Suite provides the features and integration options to scale to millions of DER.

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Schedule a custom demonstration with our Sales team to see our products in action.