Demand Response
Demand Response (DR) is a mature market for utilities to engage with customers to mitigate peak load events through incentive programs and time of use tariffs. As the volume and diversity of DER assets increases, distribution utilities require increasingly sophisticated means of delivering programs and avoiding locking themselves or their customers into specific OEM systems as energy assets become smarter and more connected to OEM clouds.

With an increasingly diverse range of DER assets that can participate in demand response programs, Distribution Utilities require the tools that scale with the growing need, customer assets and opportunities, reduce the connectivity and program management cost and provide visibility of the assets to operators.
DR program value is evidenced by the fundamental role it already plays in meeting grid and market peak demand periods. The scale of DR will expand due to a greater need for peak avoidance and profile shaping of low-carbon transport and heat technologies. The scope of DR is also growing because of greater diversity of flexible renewable and DER technologies and the accompanying market opportunities and value from DR flexibility driven in part by FERC Order 2222.
The value these solutions deliver also provides a challenge for distribution utilities. As the programs grow for various device types (Smart Thermostat, Smart Water Heater, EV, BTM BESS), utility operators face the issue of monitoring and controlling multiple systems. With just a few programs and a few devices, DR is manageable, but as it scales utilities will see more complex challenges.

Strata Grid, MEPPI's Grid Responsive Distributed Energy Resource Management Software offers the tools for utilities to manage their demand response programs while also providing grid operators visibility.
Strata Grid's Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Module provides a single pane of glass into all demand response programs via integration to the individual demand response program provider. The VPP Module allows customer programs teams to dispatch demand response programs for all participating devices or via specific groups (DER-type, location, connectivity).
Strata Grid's ability to easily integrate to utility operating systems provides multiple functionalities to grid operators. First it provides operators in the control room visibility over all DR program participants. Secondly, as Strata Grid monitors grid conditions in real-time, the DERMS platform detects the potential grid violations and autonomously schedules Demand Response events. These events are scheduled either and all-call event or DR device can be dynamically grouped to provide localized grid relief.