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SGS Suite of Products: Strata Grid

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Seamlessly integrating, controlling and optimizing DER of any type and size in any location so that wires utilities can monitor and manage DER.

Strata Grid provides the capabilities required to transition to a DSO/DSP including:

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  • Managing hosting capacity
  • Procuring non-wires alternatives (NWAs) and flexibility services
  • Coordinating flexibility services for ISOs
  • Integrating and manging low carbon technologies on the path to net zero.

Distribution Utilities require a means of interfacing to customer sites to deliver autonomous, fail-safe responses to ensure that flexibility services or flexible interconnections comply with grid service contracts to keep the grid safely within operating and security limits.  Strata Grid Seamlessly integrates, controls and optimizes DER of any type and size in any location to provide wires utilities with the DER monitoring and management to fulfil those objectives of a flexible, efficient, clean grid.  Strata Grid provides those capabilities and the platform required for Distribution Utilities to transition to a DSOs and DSPs.

  • Strata Grid is the only DERMS software to combine the grid and market optimization with real-time control
  • Strata Grid enables customers to maximise the financial benefit from ‘look ahead’ optimization techniques while ensuring real-time service delivery and reliability
  • Strata Grid supports multiple DSO/Utility use cases including:
  • Non-Wires Alternatives;
  • Flexibility Products for load relief, planned outages, unplanned outages;
  • Dynamic hosting capacity / Flexible Interconnections / Re-Dispatch.

Strata Grid is our highly flexible and scalable multi-use case DERMS software platform.

Our unique approach to DERMS, using Active Network Management (ANM) technology to continuously execute sub-second decisions, combines best in class control methods in one comprehensive platform. This combination of leading control methods means that Strata Grid can monitor and control all sizes and types of DER, in wide geographical locations,  and integrate to grids and markets, managing DER across multiple time horizons to deliver secure grid operations while optimizing customer value. Strata Grid enables communication with individual assets and groups of assets using a variety of protocols that scale to millions of devices.

Multiple use case DERMS interfacing to the grid and market to unlock the true value of DER

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Key functional features include:

  • Fast-acting, automated dispatch and threshold-based control
  • Front-of-the-meter (FTM) and Behind-the-meter (BTM) DER integration
  • Utility and 3rd party asset integration
  • Direct DER and Aggregator integration
  • ADMS Integration
  • Forecasting
  • Grid Analytics
  • Economic optimization with automated scheduling/dispatch
  • DER portfolio management and aggregation
  • Wholesale, ancillary service and flexibility market interfaces
  • Operator and end-user portals
  • Data visualization, analytics and reporting
  • Automated configuration from online analysis
  • Flexibility Service Program Management
  • Asset registration and Provisioning
  • Preventative Control - Scheduling and Dispatch
  • Corrective Control – Real-time Automation
  • Fail-to-Safe Controls including DER Automation at the edge (Element Grid)
  • Settlement and Reporting.

Strata Grid is in operation with utilities in the US, UK, Canada and Germany.

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Are you ready to learn more?
Speak to our team about how our DERMS suite of products can meet your unique needs.