Energy system participants are deploying an increasing capacity and mix of low carbon and flexible Distributed Energy Resource (DER) assets to deliver the clean energy transition.
The diversity of DER deployment encompasses different stakeholders with different business objectives and a wide range of new energy technologies from rooftop solar PV to EV charging posts, battery storage and wind farms. These are connected to the system at different locations, rural and urban, on customer premises and on the grid.
Our scalable, configurable DER management system (DERMS) products provide the platform to maximize value from the growth of clean, flexible DER and deliver net zero energy systems. Our products serve diverse customer needs with solutions for flexible interconnections, delivery of flexibility services including demand response and non-wires alternatives, aggregated DER market participation and microgrids. These solutions deliver flexible energy system operation, the ability to exploit new market opportunities, and implement new business models.
Distribution Utilities & Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
Distribution Utilities and DSOs need solutions to enable their customer DER interconnections, avoid or defer grid capital expenditure, maximize regulatory incentives, de-risk the onboarding of DER at scale and maximize operational efficiency. These opportunities and requirements must be tackled while maintaining or enhancing network resilience with increasing variability in load and generation from low-carbon technologies. The solutions delivered by our Utility DERMS software are tailored to these customer requirements.
Distributed Energy Asset Developers & Operators
The developers, owners and operators of DER need to deliver new business models, including clean energy operation, increased revenues from market balancing and new grid flexibility services, and the implementation of supply reliability solutions. This requires stacking of revenues from fleets of DER assets, coordinating on-site, grid and market operations, delivery of network services, operating schedule optimization and market participation. Our Fleet DERMS solutions deliver these customer objectives.
Energy & Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) Operators
Full-service, financed and externally provided energy provision through EaaS business models is growing in parallel with the advances in energy technologies. Successful EaaS requires optimized DER asset portfolios around grid and market opportunities to secure revenues identified in the business model. Our Fleet DERMS product has a user-defined optimization module to deliver competitive energy services to end users.
Microgrid Developers
Electric supply security and continuity are essential to energy users in a wide range of circumstances, but cost optimization and net zero carbon goals are increasingly important for microgrid developers and operators. The range of energy technologies available to deliver clean, flexible, secure energy in a microgrid has never been better for customers. Our Microgrid DERMS solution provides the means of connecting DER assets in the microgrid and integrating them to the grid and market. This delivers the essential components of microgrid business models in both grid-connected and island operation.
Commercial & Industrial Energy Developers & Managers
C&I energy users are investing in new energy assets to deliver zero carbon and cost competitiveness goals while meeting their primary requirement to secure the overarching business operation. Our Fleet DERMS solutions enable the interconnection of new energy assets, their operation in a growing and diverse fleet of DER, and the essential grid and market participation, delivering critical load security through island operation.
Municipal Energy Developers & Managers
Municipal authorities are taking the lead in climate mitigation through local climate leadership roles in keeping with their responsibility to deliver cost-effective public services. Our Fleet DERMS solutions provide the means to deploy low-carbon technologies, manage these as a diverse, distributed fleet and integrate them into the grid and market, doing so in sync with existing infrastructure and service partners.
Community & Campus Energy Operators
Community and campus energy managers and developers are investing in new energy technologies at an unprecedented rate. Their goals to provide energy services and benefits in a specific locality are enhanced through effective grid and market interactions, while retaining control and financial value in their own hands. Our Fleet DERMS solutions enable community and campus energy managers to take control of their DER fleets, drive the energy transition and deliver local benefits.
EV Charging Infrastructure Developers & Operators
EV infrastructure developers and operators need to create smart, flexible charging capabilities and integrate these with other energy assets into the grid and market. Our Fleet DERMS solutions provide the technology for Charge Point Operators (CPOs) to partner with grid and market integration specialists to deliver enhanced value to customers and partners.
Energy Asset OEMs
Specialist new energy and consumer technologists need to complement their products with grid and market integration capabilities to open up the value-adding opportunities for themselves and their customers. Our Grid Edge DERMS products provide connectivity and are the access point into our market and grid integration solutions.
